Navy Children School, GOA

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

The School fees will be collected in 4 Quarterly installments as per the following schedule:
In case of new admissions the fees for the month of April, May and June will be payable on the date of admission.
S. No. Fee for the months of Payable on Last Date
1 April - June 01 April 15 April
2 July - September 01 July 15 July
3 October - December 01 October 15 October
4 January - March 01 January 15 January
Fee payment Booklets shall be issued to all students at the me of admission. The parents/guardians are to ensure that all entries in the Bank and the School Fund copy are error free. In case of loss of fee Booklet, a new booklet shall be issued on payment of Rs. 20/-.
  • The Parents/guardians can pay the fees directly at HDFC Bank, Chicalim by cheque or through Online mode or through 'Swipe-in' machine at school office.
  • Late fee of Rs. 50 will be charged, if fees are paid between 15th and 20th of the due month and Rs. 100/- if paid between 21st and 31st of the due month. If fees are not paid in the due month a fine of Rs. 250/- will be charged in the second month & Rs. 500/- in the third month. If the fees are not paid within three months then the child's name will be struck off the rolls. Parents will have to re-admit the child & pay all the admission fees.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded. Only advance fee paid will be refunded.
  • Cheques/DD to be drawn in favour of NAVY CHILDREN SCHOOL payable at HDFC Bank, Chicalim Branch. Name of the student and class/section should be written on the reverse side of the cheque. In case a cheque is dishonoured due to any reason, this will be treated as non-payment and such cases will be liable for punitive action.
  • Please add the charges for out-station cheques as per bank instructions.
  • Fees are payable for all 12 months of the year irrespective of the vacation period. Parents have the option to deposit the fees for the whole year in advance. Detained students are not granted any reduction in fees.
  • If admission is cancelled by the parents after admitting the child but before commencement of the session, Admission fee will be deducted (for administrative expenses).
  • The Fee structure indicating fees for various categories is given on the next page and is subject to change.
  • Bus fees will not be charged for the month of June.
  • Bus fee will be collected in 4 quarterly installments and is payable for all 11 months of the academic year.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • If Bus Service is to be discontinued, a letter to that effect has to be submitted in the school office one month in advance, failing which fees will be collected till date.